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Study Skills & Student Psychology

How to Plan your Day as a Student

How to Plan your Day as a Student

Looking for the most straightforward answer: “How to plan your day as a student.” This blog is all about the answers you are looking for. Successful planning is the first step toward success. It is based on practical steps rather than empty motives. Many people plan their days, months & years but do not implement those plans. The only reason for this is that they cannot plan their day well.

Remember that day itself is the basis of one month and one year. Your entire year’s building will be perfect if you have a good foundation of well-planned days. Planning for the future makes you feel motivated every time, makes you believe in your ambition, and builds a brighter future by utilizing existing resources. Let me introduce you to three step formula of “How to Plan your Day as a Student”.

Planning does not mean you have to engage yourself all day, but planning means engaging yourself in productive tasks like successful ones and completing them by implementing them.

Some questions will come to your mind, such as:

1. Why do I plan?

2. When should I plan?

3. How to plan?

One common thing in all of us is that we all have twenty-four hours (86400 seconds) and usage of that time decides whether we will have a successful day or a failing day.

Why plan?

     Goals + Daily Action = Achieving Your Dream.

Suppose today is a Sunday fun day, and you are free to do what you ever you want to do.

What you will do?

#1 of “How to Plan your day as a student” is “Why you should plan your day”. Suppose You get up at 11 o’clock, have breakfast, then spend your time with your smartphone & laptop watching Netflix. But if we plan the same Sunday, we can make it more beautiful, like the beautiful morning walk, reading a good book, helping mom in the kitchen or helping father in the garden. Go & spend quality time with your family by going to the place. Plus, you can plan for the coming week. You can watch a movie this Sunday in which you can learn something new.

So, here are your next Assignments for next Sunday that you have to do & mark tick after completing it.

01A Long Walk or cardio3.99Km walk or 2.99Km cardio 
02Reading a Book6 Pages Only (Happy?) 
03Watering Plant in Garden15 Plants 

2. When to plan?

#2 of “How to Plan your day as a Student” is about timing. Planning enables you to do a lot of work in a limited period of time. When to plan the day? The best time to plan a day is the Night Before. Take your diary and list all the tasks you need to do tomorrow, for example.

• Waking up at 05 am

•15-minute morning walk

•5 Pages of the Book.

•Playing Badminton in the evening.

And engage yourself in the small things that increase your productivity so that you will find small achievements in your life which will make you a great success.

3- How to plan?

#3 and final step of “How to plan your day as a student is about “The Art of Planning”. I believe that 90% of plans get failed even if they are for a day because one of the main mistakes we make when planning is that we don’t prioritize our essential tasks. Morning is the time when our brain is at maximum capacity (if you took quality sleep) & to get the best out of your brain in the morning is to involve yourself in learning & productive tasks such as reading, writing etc. What we do is precisely the opposite of that. We search our smartphones to check the new posts on Facebook and Instagram & to know who sent us what on WhatsApp, which is the most useless activity with a high-performance brain. You must give yourself a better version of activities. Try to complete your day’s essential & productive tasks early in the morning, like reading 5 pages of some book or writing something. So, from today, please commit to spending your day disciplined and plan it to make your daytime more beautiful and brighter.

                             Make a To-Do List

The “Art of Planning” Involves some practical work, and here, you need only one thing. A Diary for your daily Log. You can create a chart like this to do your daily tasks consistently, as these are really simple but effective. Just write down the Task (reading a book), target (5 pages) & achieved (how much you read). Mark all the achieved statuses at the end of the day (if convenient) to check out how many tasks you have completed & how much you couldn’t complete.


Introduction of Writer

Abdul Salam is a psychologist, Author and Udemy Instructor. I have diverse Professional experience in teaching, training and counseling. For the past 7 years, I have contributed to the literature on positive psychology, self-help, personal development and student affairs. I have published over a dozen books on the above-mentioned topics in this journey, and many are still in process. I have 9000+ Students on Udemy who are learning valuable things from my courses. I regularly write a blog on, and here is the list of my publicly available resources. 

Get Access to My Resources:


The Art of Becoming a Champion Student:

This book is a must-have for students who are striving for academic excellence. Covering a wide range of topics on study skills and personal development, this book will provide you with some best action plans and activities. You Can get your Copy from Amazon by Clicking Here.

MBSR For Everyone:

Looking forward to making your life more meaningful by learning mindfulness? Here is the best toolkit for you that psychologists and mental health Professionals recommend. This book is a must-read for people who feel distracted, low or anxious. You Can get your kindle or paperback copy from amazon by clicking here.

Self-Help Guide to Overcome OCD

·        Do you know someone who is suffering from OCD?

·        Do you want to help him, but psychotherapy costs a lot?

Here is your best choice. Self Help guide to overcoming OCD is my research work which enabled hundreds of people to overcome their OCD. The activities, action plans, and positive psychology tools provided in this book will break the chain of OCD Thoughts. You Can Get Your Copy from Amazon by Clicking Here.

The Art of Living a Self-Centered Life

I used to post on my Facebook timeline about the things that traveling and adventure reveal to me. People’s consistent praise and feedback led me to transform those blogs into a book where an introvert explained how things could go well in your life if you just tried to be yourself. Get your Copy from Amazon by Clicking Here.


1-FREE Memory Techniques Course for Students

120 Minutes of pure content on memory Improvement techniques for students. Click Here to access the Free Course on Memory Improvement Techniques.

2-FREE COUSE On Focus Mastery and Improvement

2 hours of your time will lead you to understand the subject of focus quickly and effectively. Click Here to make yourself in-distractable.

3-FREE COURSE ON Positive Psychology and Mindfulness

This course will introduce you to the basics of positive psychology and mindfulness. Click here to enroll yourself in this course.

4-Free Couse on Foundations of Health Psychology

This free course on health psychology will Introduce you to the foundations of this subject. Click here to dive deep into topics worth your time,

5-FREE COURSE ON Memory Techniques (Urdu/Hindi)

This course is for the Urdu and Hindi Speaking people of Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and other neighboring countries. I designed this course for people who need help with English. Click here to learn in your own language.

6-Free Course on Gender Psychology and Feminism

Answering 20 questions related to Feminism and gender psychology. Questions like are males more intelligent than men? Are women more emotional than men and more? Click here to learn more about this course, and get access to this course by clicking here.

7-FREE Course on “Consumer Psychology and Marketing Strategies.”

70 Minutes of whiteboard animated content on the topic of “Consumer Psychology and Marketing Strategies” for marketers and consumer psychologists. 

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A Book-Reader who loves to Travel & trying to be a good Story Teller. Oh yes, A Psychologist too!

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