Clinical Psychologist & Personality Analyst 📋| Author (12 Books) 📝| Udemy (20K+ Enrollments) 🌏 | Qasim Ali Shah Foundation

Positive Psychology

Discover Your MIND Type. MONK Mind vs Monkey Mind

Monk Mind Vs Monkey Mind

How to Assess your Mind type? Monk Mind vs Monkey Mind. This Blog will let you know how focused you are in your life. How motivated you are or how distracted you are.

One of the most common myths I knew is monkeys have two minds. It’s not true. Monkeys possess the same nervous system as humans. Then what do I mean by Monkey mind? & What is Monk Mind btw?

Monkey Mind can be elaborated with a simple example. Monkies move from one tree to the next & so on. Likewise, the mind moves from one thought to another & creates a chain reaction of similar thoughts. This is what we call Monkey Mind, The Mind of OVER THINKERS. For example, if you read the word *ELON MUSK*, the next thought would be Tesla, SpaceX, Twitter or anything associated with him. Let’s suppose you thought about Twitter; the very next thought would be that Mr Musk is now on the Board of Directors of Twitter. Then you move to freedom of speech, fair social media use & this chain continues.

This is how Monkey Mind works. It keeps you engaged in a chain reaction resulting in overthinking & less action. Whereas there is another mind called the “Monk Mind”. Monks are known for their control over their thought processes. They have mastered the art of thinking; hence they have achieved focus in their lives & you must know how important focus is for human growth in this world.

Here are a few Key differences amount Monk & Monkey Mind. Have a look at them & then evaluate yourself (which one do you possess)


1-Overwhelmed by Multiple Branches

2-Coasts in Passenger Seat.

3-Complain, Compare, Criticize

4-OverThink & Procrastinate

5-Distracted By Small Things

6-Short Term Gratification

7-Demanding & Entitled

8-Changes on a Whim

9-Amplifies negative & Fears

10-Self centered & obsessed.


1-Controlled by anger, worry & fear.

13-Do whatever feels good.

14-Looks for Pleasure

15-Looks for temporary fixes

Now Look on the other side,


1-Focused on the roots of issues.

2-Live Intentionally & Consciously

3-Compassionate, Caring, Collaborative

4-Analyzes & Articulates


6-Long Term Gain

7-Enthusiastic, Determined & Patient

8-Commits to a mission, vision or goal

9-Work on breaking down negatives & Fears.

10-Self Care for service.

11-Single Tasking

12-Controls & Engage Energy Wisely

13-Seek Self Control & Mastery

14-Look for Meaning

15-Looks for genuine solutions.

That was all about Monkey Mind vs Monk Mind. Which type of mind do you have? Monkey Mind or the Monk Mind? Are you going to adopt the good part? Comment YES Below.

Introduction of Writer

I am a psychologist, Author and Udemy Instructor. I have diverse Professional experience in teaching, training and counselling. For the past 7 years, I have contributed to the literature on positive psychology, self-help, personal development and student affairs. I regularly write a blog on, and here is the list of my publicly available resources. 

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Self-Help Guide to Overcome OCD

Self Help guide to overcoming OCD is my research work which enabled hundreds of people to overcome their OCD. The activities, action plans, and positive psychology tools provided in this book will break the chain of OCD Thoughts. You Can Get Your Copy from Amazon by Clicking Here.

The Art of Living a Self-Centered Life

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A Book-Reader who loves to Travel & trying to be a good Story Teller. Oh yes, A Psychologist too!

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