Clinical Psychologist & Personality Analyst 📋| Author (12 Books) 📝| Udemy (20K+ Enrollments) 🌏 | Qasim Ali Shah Foundation

Psychology of Habits Study Skills & Student Psychology

3 Habits Students Should Unlearn Immediately.

3 Habits Students Should Unlearn Immediately.

This Blog is about those 3 Habits Students Should Unlearn Immediately. If you know something about habits, you would know that Some habits decrease our energy level for no purpose in our everyday habits. They can be some relatively less important tasks that we do first without no important or urgent basis.

With the proper habits, anyone can increase results and become a high performer in almost any field of endeavour.

– Brendon Burchard

1. Starting the Day With low-level tasks and activities.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up? May Be Following

·           Check Facebook.

·           Checking WhatsApp.

·           Checking texts & messages.

·           Checking Instagram.

·           And do almost anything else on your phone or computer.

These are all low-level tasks. They’re your least productive activities that expend valuable energy that we should use for more important tasks.

Instead, spend your time using that critically important energy to prepare yourself for the day ahead and put yourself in the right mental state; work on your craft, business, or passion project.

2. Taking Physical Health lightly.

                                        Not only does physical health affect your mental performance, but maintaining your physical health might be the most critical thing you can do to improve your mental performance altogether.

For example, physical exercise has been shown to pump oxygen to the brain, which helps improve working memory, concentration, and even creativity. Similarly, a healthy diet improves brain health in various ways depending on what you eat, including everything from memory to concentration

3. Multitasking

Multitasking is a slow, silent killer — possibly even more so than the other points on this list. It’s a bad habit that most of us have picked up and do unconsciously.

Similarly, to make intelligent early morning decisions and use that precious mental energy most effectively, you must become keenly aware of how you use your mind throughout the day.

And one of the worst habits many of us pick up is the constant need to juggle multiple tasks.

This has not only been shown to make us less productive, but it’s also dangerous because it splits our attention, which leads us to do everything less effectively. No matter how good you think you are, you’d be better if you learned to focus your attention on the task at hand for a period of time and then switched to whatever else you needed to do later.

So, do yourself a favour and start reducing the multitasking and increasing the dedicated blocks of focused time where you remove distractions — a far more effective method of working for optimal performance.

Comment YES if you learned something new from 3 Habits Students Should Unlearn Immediately and which habit you will unlearn first.

Introduction of Writer

I am a psychologist, Author and Udemy Instructor. I have diverse Professional experience in teaching, training and counselling. For the past 7 years, I have contributed to the literature on positive psychology, self-help, personal development and student affairs. I regularly write a blog on, and here is the list of my publicly available resources. 

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The Art of Becoming a Champion Student:

Covering a wide range of topics on study skills and personal development, this book will provide you with some best action plans and activities. You Can get your Copy from Amazon by Clicking Here.

MBSR For Everyone:

Looking forward to making your life more meaningful by learning mindfulness? This book is a must-read for people who feel distracted, low or anxious. You Can get your kindle or paperback copy from amazon by clicking here.

Self-Help Guide to Overcome OCD

Self Help guide to overcoming OCD is my research work which enabled hundreds of people to overcome their OCD. The activities, action plans, and positive psychology tools provided in this book will break the chain of OCD Thoughts. You Can Get Your Copy from Amazon by Clicking Here.

The Art of Living a Self-Centered Life

As the name explains everything, this book is all about “Self Love”. Get your Copy from Amazon by Clicking Here.


1-FREE Memory Techniques Course for Students

120 Minutes of pure content on memory Improvement techniques for students. Click Here to access the Free Course on Memory Improvement Techniques.

2-FREE COUSE On Focus Mastery and Improvement

2 hours of your time will lead you to understand the subject of focus quickly and effectively. Click Here to make yourself in-distractable.

3-FREE COURSE ON Positive Psychology and Mindfulness

This course will introduce you to the basics of positive psychology and mindfulness. Click here to enroll yourself in this course.

4-Free Couse on Foundations of Health Psychology

This free course on health psychology will Introduce you to the foundations of this subject. Click here to dive deep into topics worth your time,

5-FREE COURSE ON Memory Techniques (Urdu/Hindi)

This course is for the Urdu and Hindi Speaking people of Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and other neighbouring countries. I designed this course for people who need help with English. Click here to learn in your own language.

6-Free Course on Gender Psychology and Feminism

Answering 20 questions related to Feminism and gender psychology. Questions like are males more intelligent than men? Are women more emotional than men and more? Click here to learn more about this course, and get access to this course by clicking here.

7-FREE Course on “Consumer Psychology and Marketing Strategies.”

70 Minutes of whiteboard animated content on the topic of “Consumer Psychology and Marketing Strategies” for marketers and consumer psychologists. 

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A Book-Reader who loves to Travel & trying to be a good Story Teller. Oh yes, A Psychologist too!

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